Data Driven Decision Making

Agile Israel 2018 Conference, Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 13:30

Ford (senior) is quoted telling his executive team "In god we trust, everybody else needs to bring data". Well, easier said than done, especially considering the Israeli start up scene. In this talk I'll tell the story of how SimilarWeb went from Intuition to Data driven decision making from a cultural and technical stand point. We will go through the journey that started with the decision to measure, went through the struggle for a single source of truth, and ended in a cultural shift towards a "Data wins arguments" approach to decision making. Some thought on build vs. buy are a must with all the technology and services out there, and just when you'll think you got the hang of it, we would have to admit that just like Agile implementation, its a constant effort to stay in shape. 

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