Redesigning The Management and People Side of Agile - Practical Examples of Agile HR

Agile Israel 2018 Conference, Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 11:45

Succeeding with Agile is a people question. Period. The four biggest challenges for adopting agile (State of Agile ’18) are all people & culture issues. Unfortunately, in many organizations the Human Resources practices and management processes are not up to date for supporting Agile. There is no better time than yesterday for setting up AgileHR in your organization! The time for redesigning practically everything HR does, is now. But where to start? How to do it? Who should do it?

In this talk Riina will introduce parts of AgileHR to you through two practical case examples about redesigning people structures to support a more agile way of working:

  • Brief introduction of what AgileHR is about.
  • Redesigning a gaming company’s Performance Management model with prior validation with the staff. (400 employees)
  • Helping Middle Managers discover their new management role in a Unit looking to transform into a flat, networked team structure.  (Unit of 370 employees, 5 locations. Whole company 11000 employees)

You will walk out with great tips, a lot of insight and many questions, too. This talk is suitable both for Agile practitioners and HR professionals.

Riina Hellström

Riina Hellström

Agile Enterprise Coach | AgileHR | Transformations & Change | People Analytics | Executive consulting

People Geeks

Riina is recommended internationally by peers and strangers as a brilliant agile & people professional. She is a misfit of "old-school" organizations, where she worked for 10 years, until she jumped off the corporate ladder to drive the Agile organization development scene forward as independent. Together with Natal Dank she founded the global AgileHR Community in 2017, running AgileHR Certified Practitioner trainings and licensing the concept globally. She is a co-founder of the boutique networked business consultancy, People Geeks, mostly helping large and mid-sized organizations executives, HR teams and transformation teams across a broad spectrum of people-, HR-, people analytics- and management matters. She holds a M. Sc. in Technology, is an ICF certified professional coach and works hard to understand the essence of Agile from different perspectives (CSP, CSM, CSPO, Safe Agilist, moving towards S@S and CEC). Knowledge about applied neuroscience supports her people work with theoretical background and hard science. In private she considers herself being a surfer. Which has not worked out so well living in Finland, but the waves in Israel might be better!

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